Program Overview

正规博彩十大网站的运动训练专业理学硕士课程是一个全日制队列(团队)模式,由60个单元组成,为期两年, beginning with a summer session that starts mid-June. 学生通过与运动员/病人的广泛实践经验以及经验丰富的课堂和实验室指导来学习, caring faculty.  该计划准备学生成为高素质的医疗保健专业人员谁与医生和其他医疗保健专业人员合作.


Accreditation Status

正规博彩十大网站的运动训练理学硕士(MSAT)课程获得了美国体育协会的认证 运动训练教育评审委员会(CAATE). 该项目获得了2024-2025学年最长5年的初步认证.

CAATE accreditation logo


运动训练计划的使命是使学生变得有纪律, self-reliant, 在他们的职业生涯和社区负责任的领导者提供卓越的实践, 以学生为中心的学习体验和专业的运动训练教育.



  • 谁将知识和技能整合到安全合格的临床实践中
  • Who Communicate effectively
  • With Clinical Reasoning skills
  • Who incorporate Evidence-based Practice
  • With Professional Leadership skills

  1. Integrate knowledge and skills: Within the five (5) practice domains, 作为一名入门级的运动训练师,执行安全和胜任训练的关键任务.
    • Risk Reduction, 健康 and 健康 Literacy
    • Assessment, Evaluation, and Diagnosis
    • Critical Incident Management
    • Therapeutic Intervention
    • 医疗保健管理和职业责任
  2. Communicate Effectively: 与运动员/病人进行适当有效的书面和口头交流, family members, 教练, administrators, other healthcare professionals, 消费者, 类股, 政策makers, and/or employers.
  3. Clinical Reasoning: 吸收信息,形成诊断和护理计划, with ongoing assessment to adjust care, while reflecting and learning from the process
  4. Evidence-based Practice: 将现有的最佳研究证据与临床专业知识相结合, patient values, 以及决定如何照顾运动员/病人的环境
  5. Professional Leadership: 与运动教练建立有效的互动和合作, 医生, 以及其他医疗保健专业人员,以优化运动员/病人个人护理的质量,并适当促进运动训练的专业

Required Prerequisite Courses

The equivalent to one undergraduate 3.以下列出的每门课程都要求修满0个学分的课程.

  • 生物学 
  • 解剖学
  • 生理学
  • 化学  
  • 物理
  • Kinesiology or Biomechanics
  • Exercise 生理学
  • 心理学

Preferred Prerequisite Courses


  • Athletic Training
  • 健康
  • 健康 
  • 营养
  • 统计数据 
  • 研究 methods 
  • Medical terminology

Growing field

According to the Bureau of Labor 统计数据, 预计体育教练的就业增长速度将远远快于所有职业的平均水平.

太平洋体育培训的校友目前在美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)工作。, Major League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Association (NBA), Oregon State University, Washington State University, and various other colleges.

Career path

Your career path could be in a variety of settings:

  • High school and college 
  • Professional and Olympic sports 
  • Doctor's offices and hospitals
  • Sports medicine, rehab, fitness and wellness clinics
  • Military, police and fire departments 
  • Industrial and Performing arts
Social Media

See what our students, alumni and faculty are up to, 并保持最新的太平洋运动训练新闻.

Why choose Athletic Training at Pacific?


  • 在各种环境中有丰富的临床实践经验
  • AT courses taught by practicing athletic trainers
  • 在课堂和临床环境中与教师密切接触
  • Attend Athletic Training conferences
  • Annual Athletic Training Students' Award Banquet
Students administering therapy to athletes
Ernie Delosangeles working with Sacramento Kings player
Student Success

正规博彩十大网站健康运动和体育科学校友欧内斯特·洛杉矶最近被任命为NBA发展联盟点燃队的首席表演教练. 这一任命是洛杉矶体育事业的一个里程碑, which began in his hometown of Stockton.

About the Athletic Training Program

Athletic Training 入学s

阅读我们的招生信息,了解所有你需要知道的先决条件, how to apply, 和更多的.

PA student on computer

太平洋体育训练学院的教职员工来这里是为了 .

Take the next step

We take a hands on approach with our students. 这意味着我们希望在您的发现和申请过程中了解您. 现在申请成为太平洋运动训练大家庭的一员.

Non-Discrimination Disclosure

该计划是一个机会均等的高等教育机构,并坚定地致力于在提供教育服务和就业实践中不歧视. 遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律, 这些决定将与个人的种族无关, color, 宗教, religious creed, 祖先, national origin, age (except for minors), 性, marital status, citizenship status, military service status, 性ual orientation, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic condition), disability and/or any other status protected by law. For further information, please see the University’s 政策


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Athletic Training

3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA


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Athletic Training